Primary RSE:
Our Growing Up Safe ProgrammeAt BigTalk Education we are incredibly proud of our award winning Growing Up Safe programme.
This high quality, age appropriate primary RSE programme is designed to keep children safe, healthy and happy.
An Introduction to the Growing Up Safe Programme
Children always look up to their parents as their first source of knowledge when it comes to growing up, understanding relationships, and learning about sex. However, many parents admit that they lack the confidence to have open and honest conversations with their children. That’s where schools and BigTalk Education come in to lend a helping hand! We are here to support schools and teachers in providing vital education to keep children safe, healthy, and happy.
At BigTalk Education, our team of experts can visit your school for a part or whole day, ensuring that both your children and their parents receive the knowledge they need. Our comprehensive Growing Up Safe: Whole School Approach programme covers children from Nursery to Year 6, involving not just the pupils but also their parents and school staff. In fact, our dedication in the field of sex education was recognized in 2017 when we were awarded the prestigious Pamela Sheridan award by the FPA (Family Planning Association). We are immensely proud of this achievement!
As we travel across the UK, delivering our Growing Up Safe: Whole School Approach, we witness firsthand how much school staff and parents appreciate our specialist expertise. We help establish a common language within schools to discuss bodies, growing up, and sex in a manner that is age appropriate and easy to understand.
Let us join together in creating a safer and more informed generation. Together, we can empower children with the knowledge they need for a bright and healthy future.

Programme elements
Discover the components that make up our acclaimed Growing Up Safe programme, developed by our renowned founder Lynnette Smith. Our comprehensive ‘whole school approach’ ensures a safe and nurturing environment for pupils to thrive in.
Explore the wide range of benefits of BigTalk Education’s Primary RSE programme below, and get in touch to talk about how we can support your whole school in staying safe, happy and healthy.
Growing Up Safe Foundation & KS1 Resources
We created our own outstanding resources tailored specifically for each age group. This ensures that lessons are age appropriate, and that we can quickly respond to new dangers or issues facing our pupils. These resources are available for schools and parents. Shop now >
Specialist RSE Delivered by BigTalk Education
The BigTalk Education team work directly with children to foster an atmosphere of calm and clarity delivering sensitive information, in a manner that is 100% age appropriate. This takes pressure off the teaching staff to allow them to focus on follow up & reinforcement.
Online Staff and Parents Presenations
Give parents and staff the opportunity to review the content of the RSE lessons presented through age specific online videos created the BigTalk staff. Minimising withdrawals and encouraging dialogue at home arounds RSE topics. View feedback >
Follow Up Pack for Ofsted
Allows the school to benchmark and evidence the impact of the BigTalk Education involvement at school. Demonstrating that parent and pupils questions are answered and teacher confidence increases.
Evaluation Report for Ofsted
This option gives the greatest level of detail possible including qualitative pupil feedback, further evidence for Ofsted and analysis of impact including statistical confidence review.
Staff CPD Shadow Training
Supplementary certificate to evidence teacher shadow training in quality age appropriate RSE provision during BigTalk Education’s delivery day. This is useful to demonstrate additional training for Ofsted as well as benefit individual staff members in their career development.
RSE Curriculum Documentation
The Growing Up Safe : Whole School Approach goes beyond the statutory curriculum on relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and some health education. We provide all relevant documentation of this to ensure schools can demonstrate the curriculum that is being delivered.
Addition One to Ones for Vulnerable or SEND Children
As part of our visit to school, our specialist facilitators will work with your staff team to ensure that any pupils of concern have specialist provision tailored to their needs. Find out more >
RSE Policy Guidance
Have piece of mind that your school has in place a robust RSE policy, that will exceed government requirements. Know that you will deliver RSE in line with the policy and be able to provide evidence to support this for inspectors or key stakeholders.
Feedback from school staff on BigTalk Education's Growing Up Safe relationship and sex education programme
"This is our second year with the programme and we wanted to roll this out across the whole school. The sessions were thoroughly informative dealing with issues sensitively but openly. The programme covered a lot of ground effectively. Our children are now confident, knowledgeable and will hopeful grow to be respectful adults once again, a great job. Thank you for spending the day with us."
“Really informative session for Year 3, delivered in a nice age appropriate way. Reinforced e-safety messages that we teach in school.”
"The materials used are at an informative level, without being inappropriate. The language used by the team was at the children's' level so they were able to understand. The children were put at ease, to answer and ask questions. The section on reproduction was very well discussed and paced, to inform the children about sexual relationships, as too were the puberty and period sections. Very good tutors!"