Information and support for schools
Relationship and sex education information from BigTalk EducationAs sex education experts and a Social Enterprise, BigTalk Education are here to help you and your school with all things relationship and sex education. Have a look through our guides and frequently asked questions and browse our case studies.
What should be taught when?
Relationship and sex education became statutory with effect from September 2020. Whilst this gives details of what children should know by the time they leave primary and secondary education, it doesn’t give further direction on what to teach when.
So, to help you we have created our guide on when SRE/RSE topics should be covered, this is based on the Guidance from DfE and Ofsted, plus continuing consultation with Parents/Carers and Schools.

Hear from Lynnette Smith, our founder about the history of sex education, SRE, why sex and relationship education is now known as RSE as well as what to expect from statutory RSE in September 2019.
Do you think a one to one relationship and sex education lesson might be appropriate for one or more of your pupils? Find out when we recommend a one to one session and how to refer a pupil to us.
Our Growing Up Safe : Whole School Approach is a Pamela Sheridan award winning relationship and sex education programme delivered in primary, infants, junior and nursery schools across the UK.
Our RSE Lessons for Life programme is a comprehensive relationship and sex education programme for secondary schools. Covering key topics such as relationships, consent, parenthood, STIs, LGBT, CSE and many more.
Keeping children with special educational needs and disabilities safe can be especially challenging, as they are often targeted because of their vulnerabilites. Read how our RSE programme responds to those with additional needs.
We know busy teachers sometimes just need quick answers, so we have created an FAQ section to help you find out important information about RSE and BigTalk Education.
Feedback from school staff on BigTalk Education's Growing Up Safe relationship and sex education programme
"This is our second year with the programme and we wanted to roll this out across the whole school. The sessions were thoroughly informative dealing with issues sensitively but openly. The programme covered a lot of ground effectively. Our children are now confident, knowledgeable and will hopeful grow to be respectful adults once again, a great job. Thank you for spending the day with us."
“Really informative session for Year 3, delivered in a nice age appropriate way. Reinforced e-safety messages that we teach in school.”
"The materials used are at an informative level, without being inappropriate. The language used by the team was at the children's' level so they were able to understand. The children were put at ease, to answer and ask questions. The section on reproduction was very well discussed and paced, to inform the children about sexual relationships, as too were the puberty and period sections. Very good tutors!"