Grange Primary School

February 2024

We received another warm welcome from the pupils and staff at Grange Primary.

It is great to see that the children had remembered what had been delivered during our last visit and really good to have an opportunity to recap and build on this in line with their personal development.


Staff feedback

“High Quality which kept ALL engaged. Opportunity for children to answer questions. Visual presentations with clear explanation. Children given opportunity to practice key vocabulary by repeating. Lovely manner with the children. Thank you for delivering the lesson. Simon Willoughby, Year 5 Class Teacher.

The issues were put across in a very clear and matter of fact way. Our Year 5 boys could be quite challenging but their questions were handled well and the messages really clear.” Tom Newling, Deputy Head. (Year 5 Lesson)

“Well presented. Great that pupils get to use the correct terminology without embarassment. Appropriate illustrations for those who struggle to take in a lot of information.
Heather Cozens, Year 6 Teaching Assistant.

Key Fact

  • BigTalk have been supporting Grange Primary with the delivery of quality RSE since 2019.