Beacon Primary Academy

June 2023

This was our second visit to Beacon Primary Academy. The children participated in all the sessions and showed good retainment of  knowledge from our previous visit which is brilliant. We received such a warm welcome and look forward to continuing to support the school with their RSE.

Parent feedback

 “Very helpful and friendly. Gives children more confidence. Really good Program. Thank you, well done! Marie Carlyle (Redfearn), child in Year 9.

I was very impressed with this meeting and got great understanding of everything the children will face in the upcoming years.”
Marie Webb
, child Year 9.

The presentation was very helpful with lots of information which made me feel very positive about my children learning about this topic.”
Lauren Loveley
, children age 5 & 8. 

Would you like support with your RSE?


Staff feedback

“Brilliant, engaging delivery – thank you! The class responded very well to your presentation. Great images on the powerpoints – all age appropriate.Jackie Parkins, Teacher Year 4.

Very calm and relaxed involving all the children in the discussions . Very clear information and pictures for our age group. All children engaged in the lesson.” Miss Norris, Learning Support Assistant Year 3.

Very informative, appropriate and well paced. Another sucessful program delivered. Many thanks.”
Mrs Gartshore, Teacher Year 6.