Summerfields Primary Academy
March 2024BigTalk have been supporting Summerfields with delivery of quality RSE for 10 Years. During this visit we were once again made to feel welcome by the parents, staff and pupils. The children showed good retention of existing knowledge and as always were a pleasure to work with.
Parent feedback
“Excellent presentation, nice to know what children will be told to also reiterate at home.”
Sarah, child age 4 .
“l found it helpful to know the age range for specific discussions i.e. when to talk about periods etc.“ Amy, child age 6.
“Excellent presentation, very informative and reassured the children are getting all the information they need.” C Cole, child age 10 .
Key Facts
- BigTalk have supported Summerfields in the delivery of quality RSE for 10 years.
Staff feedback
“Delivered well, children engaged and all questions answered.” Craig Marsh, Assistant Head Teacher.
” Ladies were informative and listened to children’s views/comments. Children felt comfortable to ask things and share things. Updated message from last time which has taken into account recent issues. Thank you!”
A Whitehead, Year 3 Class Teacher and SENCO.
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