St Marie's Catholic Primary School

May 2023

We have been visiting this school for 7 years and each time we are welcomed back it is great to see what the children have remembered. Each visit we are building  upon existing knowledge in line with the children’s personal development needs.  The school staff are always supportive of our visits and have high levels of confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction which is great!  

Staff feedback

 “As always a fantastic, clear lesson. The children were very interested – pitched perfectly. Really lovely to include personal qualities too. Thank you!” 
Mrs Shaw, Year 2 Teacher

 “It was a really great talk which went in to the perfect amount of detail! It was very interactive with the children answering questions throughout. The talk was done professionally and naturally. Giving the girls the chance to ask anonymous questions was a nice touch. 
Magda Wdowin, Year 6 Teaching Assistant

Key Facts

  • We have supported St Marie’s with RSE delivery for 7 Years which is evident in the children’s knowledge and in the level of confidence which the staff have in discussing this topic with the children.