by Big Talk Education | 29th January 2019 | Case Study
Wrawby C E Primary School January 2019 After three years Sex and Relationship Education parents and staff at Wrawby C E school now have high levels of confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction. Parent feedback...
by Big Talk Education | 24th January 2019 | Case Study
The Grange Primary School February 2019 After a great turnout at the parents session, parents and staff at The Grange Primary School are now more confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction. Parent feedback...
by Big Talk Education | 16th January 2019 | Case Study
Ormiston South Parade Academy January 2019 Parents and staff at Ormiston South Parade Academy now have high levels of confidence in talking to the children about relationships, their bodies and reproduction. Parent feedback “I feel this has been a good starting...
by Big Talk | 10th January 2019 | Case Study
South Axholme Academy Working together with BigTalk Education South Axholme Academy ran a series of 'RSE Lessons for Life' sessions for Year 10 students. This case study details the young people's feedback and confidence in each topic area. Confidence in CSE topic...
by Big Talk Education | 10th January 2019 | Case Study
Bowmandale Primary School January 2019 Having worked with Bowmandale Primary School since 2014 it is always nice to return and see some familiar faces. During our visit we witnessed fabulous behaviour from the pupils, we noticed good retention and were delighted with...
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